New Delhi: Domestic stock indices closed Wednesday trade in the red, dragged by a broad-based fall virtually in all the sectoral indices, particularly the media, metal, PSU bank, realty, oil and gas. Profit booking at higher levels also dampened investors sentiment, said analysts. At the closing, Sensex was at 81,523.16 points, down 398.13 points or 0.49 per cent, and Nifty 24,918.45 points, 122.65 points or 0.49 per cent.
"The domestic market experienced a minor consolidation in line with Asian peers due to correction of commodity prices... Market sentiment remained cautious due to the slowdown in the Chinese economy. Investors await the release of the US CPI and domestic inflation data," said Vinod Nair, Head of Research, Geojit Financial Services.
Today, the benchmark indices witnessed profit booking at higher levels, said Shrikant Chouhan, Head Equity Research, Kotak Securities. Domestic stock indices rose substantially on Monday and Tuesday, possibly due to inherent strength in domestic market fundamentals. Continued buying by foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) also somewhat cushioned the stock indices from a relative weakness in the US market.