New Delhi:The government's subsidised onion sale initiative, launched on September 5, has led to price drops in major cities within days, the consumer affairs ministry said on Saturday. In Delhi, retail onion prices fell from Rs 60 to Rs 55 per kg, while Mumbai saw a decrease from Rs 61 to Rs 56 per kg. In Chennai, the retail price was reduced from Rs 65 to Rs 58 per kg, the ministry said in a statement.
The government initiated the sale of onions at a subsidised rate of Rs 35 per kg through mobile vans and outlets of NCCF and NAFED. The program, which began in Delhi and Mumbai, has since expanded to other major cities including Chennai, Kolkata, Patna, Ranchi, Bhubaneswar, and Guwahati. Responding to the growing demand, the government has decided to increase the number of subsidised onions and expand distribution channels to include e-commerce platforms, Kendriya Bhandar outlets, and Mother Dairy's SAFAL stores.
The government has also initiated wholesale disposal of onions in major cities. It has already commenced in Delhi, Mumbai, and Chennai, with plans to extend to Hyderabad, Bengaluru Kolkata and eventually all state capitals. A dual transportation strategy involving both road and rail networks is being implemented to improve logistics efficiency and reduce post-harvest losses.