Lucknow:In a heartbreaking incident in Lucknow's Thakurganj police station area, a two-and-a-half-year-old boy tragically lost his life after a balloon he was blowing burst and got stuck in his throat, causing severe breathing difficulties.
The child, identified as Shivansh, was playing outside his house near Kashi Vihar Phoolmati Temple in the Thakurganj Daulatganj area on Thursday afternoon. His family had given him a balloon to play with, and while blowing it, the balloon burst, blocking his throat. This caused the child to struggle for breath.
In a state of panic, the family rushed the child to a nearby private hospital, but due to the seriousness of the situation, the doctors referred him to the trauma centre. However, upon arrival at the trauma centre, the medical team declared Shivansh dead after examining him.