Trichy :In a shocking incident at the Tamil Nadu National Law University here, two final-year BA LLB students have been suspended after allegedly tricking a classmate into consuming a soft drink mixed with urine. The incident came to light belatedly after the victim filed a complaint with the university authorities on January 10.
The university promptly formed an inquiry committee, led by an assistant professor to investigate the matter. Following a thorough inquiry, the committee confirmed the occurrence of ragging and recommended both departmental and legal actions against the responsible students. Registrar Balakrishnan lodged a formal complaint with the Ramji Nagar police against the accused students, leading to the registration of a case. The police is now actively investigating the incident.
In response to the findings and recommendations of the committee, a 9-member anti-ragging committee meeting was convened yesterday, led by the Vice-Chancellor. As a consequence, the two students involved in the ragging incident have been suspended from taking the tenth term examination in the current academic year (2023-2024). Instead, they have been advised to resume their studies in the next academic year (2024-2025).
The university's swift and decisive action is aimed at underscoring its commitment to maintaining a safe and respectful educational environment. Incidents of ragging not only violate the principles of a conducive learning atmosphere but also necessitate strict measures to prevent and address such behavior in educational institutions. The case serves as a reminder of the importance of promoting a culture of inclusivity, respect, and zero tolerance for harmful practices within academic communities.
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