Hyderabad:A video of a teacher dancing to an item song in the classroom and students cheering her on has gone viral on social media. Meanwhile, the teacher was receiving bouquets and brickbats from netizens. In the undated video, a teacher dances to Aishwarya Rai's song 'Kajra Re' from the Bollywood film Bunty Aur Babli, while students can be seen encouraging her. In the middle of the dance, a student can be seen draping a red dupatta on the teacher while she dances gracefully by holding it. She seems to have performed this dance while the students were celebrating her birthday in the classroom.
In the video, it can be seen that 'Happy Birthday Rashmi Madam' written on the blackboard in the classroom. Netizens are expressing different opinions after this video was recently posted on 'X'.
A netizen responded to this and said that in our country where traditions and values are given priority, it is not appropriate for a teacher to dance to an item song in the classroom. Another responded that some people can't see others' happiness. She dances with joy. Being a teacher doesn't mean she does not deserve to dance. They said that their job here is to judge everything the girls do. Others responded that people should be open-minded.
Similarly, in December 2023, a video of teacher Kajal Asudani dancing with her students to the popular ghazal song 'Gulabi Sharara' went viral. She had to clarify that the video was not shot in the classroom, but was done outside with the students as part of cultural activities as the netizens expressed mixed opinions on the video. But, it is unclear when and where the video was taken.
Read more:Video Of Girl Dancing At The 'Ram Ki Paidi' In Ayodhya Goes Viral