Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala Police on Thursday exhumed the body of the self-styled spiritual guru, Gopan Swami in Kerala's capital Thiruvananthapuram following an order from the Kerala High Court, which rejected the plea by the deceased's family.
The body of the elderly man was exhumed from the tomb, where it was found in a sitting position in a concrete chamber and covered in ash and religious articles.
The process of exhuming the body commenced early this morning, with heavy police security deployed in the area. Authorities demolished the structure of the tomb as part of the procedure following directions by the High Court in this regard. The location of the 'Samadhi' was placed under strict police guard, and only law enforcement officers and authorized officials were allowed access.
Sub-Collector Alfred and other officials arrived at the site at 7:00 AM to oversee the operation. The police had also cordoned off the area, restricting the public from approaching the tomb. Once the necessary procedures were completed, the body was transported to the Thiruvananthapuram Medical College Hospital for a postmortem examination.
The decision to open the Samadhi came after the Kerala High Court ruled in favor of the exhumation. In response to the court’s verdict, Neyyattinkara Gopan Swami’s son, Rajasenan said that he would consult with Hindu organizations before making a final decision on the matter. He further stated that the family was honoring his father’s wishes in accordance with Hindu customs.
The postmortem at the Thiruvananthapuram Medical College Hospital will shed further light on the condition of the body and any associated details.
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