Surya Namaskar could start again in Rajasthan schools, indicates state Education Minister Kota (Rajasthan):Rajasthan Education Minister Madan Dilawar has indicated that 'Surya Namaskar' could start again in the schools of the state.
He said that 'Surya Saptami' will fall on either February 15 or 16 and on this occasion, the state government wants to organise a mega event at the state level on February 15. "In this event, Surya Namaskar will be performed in all the schools. The schools will also practise it," Madan Dilawar said.
According to the Rajasthan Education Minister, the Bhajan Lal Sharma-led government is keen to celebrate 'Surya Saptami' on a large scale. "Programs will be held in all the schools and the cooperation of social workers and people from social, religious, political, rural and other areas will be sought. We want to organise such a program that it will be the biggest program in India, wherein a maximum number of people perform 'Surya Namaskar' together," the Minister added.
According to Madan Dilawar, students should practice at least 15 Surya Namaskars every day in the morning. "Only after this, the kind of events we have planned will be possible in schools.
Worshipping the Sun God, the Minister said, "We can do everything only because of sunlight. Therefore, a large-scale program will be organised on Surya Saptami and people will also be interested in exercising. Once students develop the habit of exercising, they will be able to perform Surya Namaskar in schools on their own."