New Delhi:The Supreme Court on Friday asked the Uttar Pradesh and Haryana governments to impose a complete ban on firecrackers in their areas falling under the National Capital Region (NCR), saying that drastic measures are required to deal with the menace of rising air pollution.
The matter came up before a bench comprising Justices A S Oka and Ujjal Bhuyan. The bench observed that like in Delhi, the Rajasthan government has also imposed a perpetual and complete ban on the sale and bursting of firecrackers in the NCR areas of the state. The bench asked the governments of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana to impose a similar ban. "The environmental problems are drastic ones and so drastic measures are needed," said the bench.
The apex court observed that it would have to pass harsher orders as the other arms of the government are not bothered. A lawyer urged the court to lift the complete ban as it also involves fundamental rights of the manufactures’.