Chandigarh: In the ongoing Lok Sabha election in Punjab, political temperatures have peaked following farmers' call for protests during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's poll rallies in different parts of the state on May 23 and 24. PM Modi is schedule to address election rallies in Patiala, Gurdaspur and Jalandhar during his two-day tour.
On the other hand, farmers' organizations are expected to hold protests against PM Modi, prompting the authorities to mobilise elaborate security arrangements. The Samyukta Kisan Morcha has called for a meeting in Patiala to finalise their strategy regarding their rally to be held at Jagraon on 21st May. PM's first rally is going to be held in Patiala and farmers are preparing to strongly oppose it.
Farmers' demands: Farmers are in constant opposition to PM Modi and the BJP government's policies and they are now making preparations to oppose the rallies of PM Modi in Punjab. This comes at a time when the election campaigning of different parties is in full swing for the Lok Sabha elections. PM Modi will hold a rally in Jalandhar on May 24. Security arrangements are being tightened in Jalandhar regarding the Prime Minister's visit.