Chitradurga (Karnataka):Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Sunday called on the people to reject the BJP and RSS, calling them "anti-constitution", and accused them of dividing society in the name of caste. He was speaking at a state-level convention of the oppressed communities being organised by the Federation of Associations of Oppressed Communities and Federation of Karnataka Backward Classes' here.
"The people of backward, Dalit and exploited castes and communities should clearly understand who their enemy is. The enemies must be clearly identified and they should be rejected completely and build your self-esteem," Siddaramaiah said. The BJP and RSS continue to oppose the Mandal Commission report, and they have continuously opposed social justice and equal opportunities, he said. "Ambedkar had warned that power should not go into the hands of the opponents of the Constitution and reservation and social justice. We should not forget this warning."
Stating that BJP leaders like K S Eshwarappa, C T Ravi and R Ashok could not have entered the assembly as MLAs without Babasaheb Ambedkar's Constitution, the chief minister said, "They would have had to work in some other's farms." Noting that some vested interests oppose him for the fact that the son of a shepherd has become the chief minister, Siddramaiah claimed, "They are opposing me for implementing schemes for all castes, middle class and poor people of all religions."