New Delhi:Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's chief Mohan Bhagwat said on Sunday that the "entry" of Ram Lalla in his birthplace in Ayodhya and the temple's 'Pran Pratishtha' ceremony will be the beginning of the campaign for "reconstruction of Bharatvarsh which is for harmony, unity, progress, peace and well-being of everyone".
Bhagwat, in an article posted on the RSS website, referred to the "continuous struggle of the Hindu society" for the construction of the temple in Ayodhya and said the "conflict and bitterness" over the dispute should now come to an end. After years of legal struggle, the Supreme Court pronounced a "balanced" verdict on November 9, 2019, after examining "the truth and facts" and also hearing the arguments of all the parties in the case, he said.
Bhagwat said from a "Dharmic" point of view, Lord Ram is the "most worshipped deity" of the majority society in the country and is still accepted as an ideal of conduct by the entire society. "Hence, now the conflict that has arisen as for and against over the dispute should be ended. The bitterness that has arisen in the meantime should also end. The enlightened people of the society must see that the dispute ends completely," he said.
"Ayodhya means a city where there is no war, a place free from conflict. On this occasion, in the entire country, reconstruction of Ayodhya is the need of the hour and also the duty of all of us," Bhagwat said. The RSS chief said the occasion of construction of the Ram temple in Ayodhya marks the "reawakening of national pride". This also signifies the "acceptance of the vision of life behind the character of Shri Ram by the modern Bharatiya society", he added.
The 'pran pratishtha' (consecration) ceremony will be held at the Ram temple on January 22 and will be attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Bhagawat and more than 7,000 people, including seers. "This world is (in a) destructive frenzy due to egoism, selfishness and discrimination and is bringing infinite calamities upon itself. The entry of Shri Ram Lalla in Ram Janmabhoomi and his Pran Pratishtha is the beginning of the campaign for reconstruction of Bharatvarsh which is for the well-being of all, accepting all without enmity and showing the path of harmony, unity, progress and peace," Bhagwat said.
"We are the active followers and implementers of that campaign. In the devotional celebration of January 22, along with the reconstruction of the temple, all of us have resolved for the reconstruction of Bharat and through it paving the way for reconstruction of the entire world," he said. "Keeping this guiding light in mind, moving forward is the need of the hour," he added.