New Delhi:The Indian Railways is planning to run summer special trains across different zones to clear extra rush of passengers this year, too, a senior officer said on Tuesday. “For this, the Railway Board is mulling on the issue and charting out the plan regarding starting summer special trains, which are being run every year to tackle extra passenger loads,” the senior railway officer told ETV Bharat.
The railways are expected to run summer special trains and their trips from next week for the convenience of passengers and to tackle extra rush during this period, the railway officer said. “Once the summer special trains start running, travellers like me will easily get confirmed tickets to travel hassle-free and overcrowding-free coaches. Every year, during the summer people face difficulty in obtaining confirmed travel tickets because of heavy passenger rush,” said Sourabh Kumar, a passenger and resident of Delhi.
The summer special trains of various railway zones cater to travellers to reach their destinations without hustle and bustle. “Railways run more special trains to various destinations. For the convenience of the rail passengers and to clear extra rush, Northern Railway will run the special trains to various destinations,” said Deepak Kumar, Chief Public Relations Officer, Northern Railways.