New Delhi:The Congress on Monday deployed ex-Chief Ministers Bhupesh Baghel and Ashok Gehlot to assist Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, who will personally oversee the party campaign, in family strongholds Rae Bareli and Amethi in Uttar Pradesh. Baghel will be the AICC observer in Rae Bareli where former party chief Rahul Gandhi is pitted against Dinesh Pratap Singh of BJP while Gehlot will be the AICC observer in Amethi where party nominee KL Sharma is pitted against Union Minister and sitting BJP MP Smriti Irani.
Though the Congress lost the 2023 Assembly polls under Baghel in Chhattisgarh and Gehlot in Rajasthan, the two leaders won their seats in Patan and Sardarpura respectively. Both the veterans will assist Priyanka Gandhi, who will reach Amethi on May 6 evening and take charge of the party’s campaign in the two key seats. “The presence of former Chief Ministers will send a message of our seriousness in the two seats. They will inspire the local workers and their experience of fighting elections will come in handy in managing the campaign in the high-profile seats,” AICC in-charge of Uttar Pradesh Avinash Pande told ETV Bharat.
“Priyanka Gandhi has managed the two seats for decades in the past and will spend considerable time in the two key seats although she is a national star campaigner for the party,” he said. According to party insiders, Priyanka Gandhi is expected to do a series of small corner meetings with the voters and also go door-to-door to mobilise the electorate she is quite familiar with.
According to former UP Congress chief Brijlal Khabri, the presence of two ex-Chief Ministers will act as a deterrence for the local officials and will ease coordination issues between the local and the AICC teams.