New Delhi: The Naga rebel outfit (NSCN-IM) on Friday condoled the demise of former Prime Minister (late) Manmohan Singh saying that he always stood out for the Naga political solution. “We express our deepest condolences to his (late Manmohan Singh) family members and his close friends. Indo-Naga history will keep on record his assuring words and commitment. In his demise Nagas have lost a great leader, who always stood out for the Naga political solution that is honourable and acceptable to India and Nagalim,” the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN-Issac Muivah) said in a statement.
The outfit said that Singh was the Prime Minister who stood out in his approach to the Naga political issue. According to the statement, the outfit still remembers his words when the Naga delegation headed by the Collective Leadership, NSCN, met him in New Delhi on December 7, 2004, as he said, “We are equally keen to work out mutually acceptable honourable solutions. We will be sincere in tackling the problem. We will give our utmost effort to hammer out an honourable solution. We will jointly explore every possible way to bring a solution.”