Haldwani (Uttarakhand) :Police have arrested four more accused, including a woman, in the Haldwani violence case that took place on February 8 in Banbhulpura police station area of Nainital district. So far, the Nainital Police have arrested a total of 100 people in the Haldwani violence, out of which 6 are women, who are accused of pelting stones at the police during the violence.
The four persons arrested on Monday are residents of Banbhulpura area and they are accused of pelting stones and setting vehicles on fire during the Haldwani riots. The arrested four are identified as Navi Hussain, resident of Indranagar; Zeeshan alias Jibbu, resident of Malik's garden; Sameer, resident of Line No. 07 near Bilali Masjid; and Hazra Begum, resident of Nai Basti.
Nainital SSP Prahlad Narayan Meena has confirmed all four arrests, stating that the police have so far arrested 100 accused in the Haldwani case. The police had registered a case against five thousand people in the Haldwani arson case. Soon other accused will be arrested, SSP Prahlad said, adding that many police teams are deployed for their arrest.