New Delhi:In a major boost to the Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ initiative of the Narendra Modi-led government, a contract for procurement of 12 Su-30MKI aircraft along with associated equipment has been signed between Ministry of Defence and M/s Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) on Thursday at an approximate cost of 13,500 crore inclusive of taxes and duties.
According to a media statement issued by the Ministry of Defence, the aircraft would have an indigenous content of 62.6%, enhanced due to indiginisation of many components to be manufactured by Indian defence industry.
"These aircraft would be manufactured at Nasik division of the HAL. The supply of these aircraft would enhance operational capability of Indian Air Force and strengthen defence preparedness of the country," the statement said.
According to the HAL website, the major on-going indigenous development programs are the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) MK 1A, Light Combat Helicopter(LCH), Light Utility Helicopter (LUH), Basic Turboprop Trainer HTT 40 & Indian Multi Role Helicopter (IMRH). Design and Development of HTFE-25 and HTSE-1200 engines have also been taken up, the website stated.
It also said that the current upgrade programs include Jaguar DARIN-III upgrade, Mirage upgrade and Hawk i. "In addition to the platforms, various Technology development projects have also been launched to increase self-reliance in critical areas like the Aircraft Display systems, Mission Computers, Automatic Flight Controls for Helicopters and Aircraft Accessories & Avionics," the website stated.