Bijapur: The murder of journalist Mukesh Chanmdrakar has sparked widespread condemnation, with Chhattisgarh's Home Minister Vijay Sharma promising swift justice. Speaking to the media, Sharma said that a Special Investigation Team (SIT) led by Additional Superintendent of Police Mayank Gurjar will investigate the case. "The culprits will face a speedy trial, and justice will be ensured," Sharma asserted.
Sharma confirmed that Congress leader Suresh Chandrakar is the prime accused. "Suresh Chandrakar has built yards illegally, which will be investigated. Four of his bank accounts have been frozen, and his illegal properties along the Bijapur-Gangaloor road have been razed," Sharma said. Police have detained three suspects and are working to apprehend others linked to the case.
The body of Mukesh Chandrakar was discovered in a contractor's septic tank on January 3, two days after he went missing. The police, acting on a complaint by Mukesh's brother Yukesh Chandrakar, traced his mobile phone to the contractor's house. "The septic tank had been freshly covered with concrete slabs," police revealed.
An 11-member SIT has been tasked with completing the investigation. "The SIT will interrogate all suspects, and a chargesheet will be submitted in three to four weeks. We will request the court for a speedy trial," Sharma added.
Mukesh Chandrakar gained recognition for his role in negotiating the release of CoBRA commando Rakeshwar Singh Manhar from Maoist captivity in 2021.