Srinagar:The Jammu and Kashmir police arrested an alleged fraudster, who has 45 non-bailable warrants against him and was evading arrests for a long time. The police identified the accused as Zubair Rashid Ganie, the son of Abdul Rashid Ganie, a resident of Rohama village of Rafiabad of Baramulla district of the Kashmir Valley.
"Ganai was a wanted individual and was allegedly involved in defrauding several individuals across the Valley under the pretext of business transactions," the police said. The police said that he had defrauded several persons in the Kashmir Valley under the pretext of business transactions.
The police said that 45 non-bailable warrants had been issued against Ganie by 20 different courts in the Kashmir Valley, but he had been evading arrest for a long time. "The arrest marks a significant step in the ongoing efforts of the police to bring wanted criminals to justice," the police said. A senior police official told ETV Bharat that more investigations are underway in the case.
The 38 year old fraudster has been on the police hunt from last eight months and has been shifting places every week to avoid police net and surveillance.
Officials said he has cheated people in almost all the 10 districts of the Kashmir valley and had 75 non-bailable warrants against him, of which he has got bail in 30 cases. Now 45 are warrants are pending against him, and the judges were after the police to get him arrested and presented before the courts.
Official sources said that one month ago his last movement was traced in Amritsar in Pujab and police got inputs that he will be moving toward Jammu.