Hyderabad:As the 2024 Lok Sabha polls in India kicks off today, Google has also joined in the biggest festival of democracy with a doodle on its home page. Several states and union territories will be voting for 102 seats in the first of the seven phases of the world's largest electoral exercise.
Google has being following the trend of changing its doodle on every important days and cause. The recent update, on the occasion of the general elections in India, Google has changed the letter 'O' with an image of voting hand and an ink mark on the index mark, like it is done in reality.
The first phase of the polling begins at 7 AM and will end at 6 PM. The voters comprise 8.4 crore men, 8.23 crore women and 11,371 from third gender. Counting of votes in the elections that will conclude on June 1 will be taken up on June 4.
Polling will be held for all 39 seats of Tamil Nadu, all five seats in Uttarakhand, 12 seats in Rajasthan, eight in Uttar Pradesh, six in Madhya Pradesh, five seats each in Assam and Maharashtra, four in Bihar, three in West Bengal, two each in Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, and one each in Jammu and Kashmir, Chhattisgarh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Mizoram, Nagaland, Puducherry, Sikkim and Lakshadweep.
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