Gangasagar: Ahead of the Gangasagar Mela, scheduled to take place on January 10, the increasing air pollution remained a cause of worry for the administration. Despite all precautionary alerts from the administration, the air pollution level crossed the danger level on Monday. The AQI level touched 244 at 10 am which falls in the 'very unhealthy' category.
An AQI reading between 0-50 is considered good as it falls in the Green Zone with no harm to human beings while 51-100 is considered moderate as it's placed under the Yellow Zone with minor risk. However, the Orange Zone with AQI between 101-150 in which members of the sensitive groups may experience health effects while the Red Zone with 151-200 AQI, the Purple Zone with 201-300 and the Maroon Zone with AQI above 300 are the most severe.
As per the AQI, air quality in Ganagsagar remains in the Purple Zone which leads to increasing health risks. Significantly, the sound pollution was under control with 39 decibels.
Meanwhile, as Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee landed there on Monday, the authorities could not be reached on the matter of pollution.
"Mainly fog and low-temperature lead to poor AQI level with a spurt in the PM matters in the air," Kalyan Rudra, chairman of the Pollution Control Board, said.