New Delhi:Delhi Police and National Security Guard (NSG) on Friday conducted a mock drill near the new Parliament building and Kashmere Gate to check preparedness during an emergency situation, days after nearly 200 schools received hoax bomb threats, officials said.
The drill is also being conducted at a city school, according to police sources. "To check preparedness during any emergency situation, police along with NSG commandos conducted mock drills in various parts including the new Parliament building and Kashmere Gate area," a senior police officer said.
According to police, the drills were scheduled at various locations, including metro stations, schools, temples and government buildings. "We have selected around eight locations for the drill. Such drills will continue till Friday midnight," the officer said.
Police said that the drill at the new Parliament building started at 3 pm and continued for at least half an hour. The NSG commandos used their chopper to enter the Parliament building.