Ayodhya (Uttar Pradesh): The body of an eight-year-old boy with stab injuries was recovered from a forest here on Wednesday, a day after he went missing from his house in the Tarun area, police said. Raj Gupta, son of Manoj Gupta, a local businessman, went missing from his house in Kichuti Bazar after 7 pm on Tuesday, they said.
The boy's father lodged a complaint with the police alleging kidnapping but a missing report was lodged in the matter, officials said. When villagers went to the forest around 10 am on Wednesday to fetch wood, they spotted the boy's body lying in an 8-feet dip pit, the police said. Police officials said that the body had several stab wounds. "Whoever is involved in this incident will not be spared and strictest action will be taken," Deputy Superintendent of Police Surendra Singh said.