New Delhi:Senior BJP leader Vijay Goel on Saturday sent an ambulance to take Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to hospital for medical tests after the AAP leader claimed he might be suffering from some serious aliments. Kejriwal moved the Supreme Court on May 26 seeking extension of his interim bail by seven days on grounds that he has to undergo some medical tests, including a PET-CT scan. He claimed in his plea that he lost seven kgs in the jail and that his ketone levels are "too high", a possible indicator of a serious ailment.
The police, however, stopped the ambulance and Goel en route to the chief minister's official residence in Civil Lines here. The top court had on May 10 granted 21-day interim bail to Kejriwal, who was arrested in a money laundering case linked to the excise policy scam, to enable him to campaign for the Lok Sabha polls.
It had directed that Kejriwal, who is also the AAP national convenor, shall surrender on June 2, a day after the last phase of the seven-phase poll gets over. Goel alleged that Kejriwal was "creating drama" by citing health issues to gain people's sympathy. "This ambulance was to take Kejriwal to any hospital where all his tests can be done within two to hours hours," he told reporters.