New Delhi: A group of five men pasted posters outside the residence of AIMIM president Asaduddin Owaisi here on Thursday evening, demanding his suspension from the Lok Sabha, officials said. According to a police officer, four men reached Owaisi's 34 Ashoka Road residence located in Central Delhi and pasted three posters at the entry gate and wall of the house about 9 pm.
The lines like 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai', 'I stand with Israel' and 'Owaisi should be suspended' were written on the posters. A purported video of the incident surfaced online in which one of the miscreants said that the youth of the country should be united against the politician, who does not say "Bharat mata ki jai".
The Delhi Police, however, reached the spot and removed the posters. By then, the men had gone away, an officer said. A police officer said they are trying to identify the people and legal action will be taken against them. Owaisi's saying "Jai Palestine" while taking oath as a member of the Lok Sabha had sparked a row among the other MPs on Tuesday.