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'96' తెలుగు రీమేక్ వచ్చేది ఎప్పుడంటే..?

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Published : Nov 6, 2019, 10:27 AM IST

'96' తెలుగు రీమేక్​లో శర్వానంద్, సమంత నటిస్తున్న విషయం తెలిసిందే. ఇంకా టైటిల్ ఖరారు కాని ఈ సినిమాను ప్రేమికుల రోజు సందర్భంగా... ఫిబ్రవరి 14న విడుదల చేయాలని చిత్రబృందం భావిస్తున్నట్లు సమాచారం.

శర్వానంద్ - సమంత

తమిళంలో విజయ్ సేతుపతి, త్రిష నటించిన '96' చిత్రం గతేడాది ఘనవిజయం అందుకుంది. తెలుగులో రీమేక్​గా తెరకెక్కుతున్న ఈ సినిమాలో శర్వానంద్, సమంత నటించనున్నారు. ఇంకా టైటిల్ ఖరారు కాని ఈ చిత్రానికి సంబంధించి ఆసక్తికర అంశం బయటికొచ్చింది. ఈ సినిమాను ఫిబ్రవరి 14న ప్రేక్షకుల ముందుకు తీసుకురావాలనే ఆలోచనలో ఉందట చిత్రబృందం.

ప్రేమకథ నేపథ్యంలో రూపొందుతున్న ఈ సినిమాను ప్రేమికుల రోజునే తీసుకొస్తే మంచిదని భావిస్తున్నారట. ఈ అంశంపై త్వరలో అధికారిక ప్రకటన వచ్చే అవకాశముంది. సినిమాకు సంబంధించి... ఇప్పటికే విడుదలైన సమంత లుక్ అభిమానుల్ని ఆకట్టుకుంది.

శ్రీ వెంకటేశ్వర క్రియేషన్స్‌ పతాకంపై దిల్‌ రాజు ఈ చిత్రాన్ని నిర్మిస్తున్నాడు. ప్రేమ్​కుమార్ అనే దర్శకుడు తెలుగులో ఈ సినిమాను రూపొందిస్తున్నాడు.

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ఇదీ చదవండి: పవన్ ​కల్యాణ్ 'పింక్​'లో పూజా హెగ్డే..!

తమిళంలో విజయ్ సేతుపతి, త్రిష నటించిన '96' చిత్రం గతేడాది ఘనవిజయం అందుకుంది. తెలుగులో రీమేక్​గా తెరకెక్కుతున్న ఈ సినిమాలో శర్వానంద్, సమంత నటించనున్నారు. ఇంకా టైటిల్ ఖరారు కాని ఈ చిత్రానికి సంబంధించి ఆసక్తికర అంశం బయటికొచ్చింది. ఈ సినిమాను ఫిబ్రవరి 14న ప్రేక్షకుల ముందుకు తీసుకురావాలనే ఆలోచనలో ఉందట చిత్రబృందం.

ప్రేమకథ నేపథ్యంలో రూపొందుతున్న ఈ సినిమాను ప్రేమికుల రోజునే తీసుకొస్తే మంచిదని భావిస్తున్నారట. ఈ అంశంపై త్వరలో అధికారిక ప్రకటన వచ్చే అవకాశముంది. సినిమాకు సంబంధించి... ఇప్పటికే విడుదలైన సమంత లుక్ అభిమానుల్ని ఆకట్టుకుంది.

శ్రీ వెంకటేశ్వర క్రియేషన్స్‌ పతాకంపై దిల్‌ రాజు ఈ చిత్రాన్ని నిర్మిస్తున్నాడు. ప్రేమ్​కుమార్ అనే దర్శకుడు తెలుగులో ఈ సినిమాను రూపొందిస్తున్నాడు.

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ఇదీ చదవండి: పవన్ ​కల్యాణ్ 'పింక్​'లో పూజా హెగ్డే..!

LENGTH: 5:29
Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe - 29 October 2019
1. Wide of carcass of elephant lying near edge of dry riverbed
2. Mid of elephant carcass
3. Close of disintegrating head of elephant carcass
4. Zoom in of elephant carcass
5. Mid of zebras grazing in shade
6. Mid of elephant walking across dusty clearing
7. Mid of buffalo herd walking in shade at edge of clearing
8. Wide of carcass of buffalo lying at edge of dry riverbed
9. Close of dead buffalo's head
10. Close of flies feeding on buffalo carcass
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Munyaradzi Dzoro, Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority Wildlife Officer:
"It's beginning to be serious since the water level, on most pans, is decreasing. So it might be worse with time if the rain fail, if we fail to receive the first rains in October or early November. This might be serious."
12. Wide of buffalo carcass lying at edge of dry riverbed
13. Wide of riverbed
14. Tilt up from cracked earth in dry riverbed to small pool of muddy water
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Munyaradzi Dzoro, Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority Wildlife Officer:
"This buffalo was stuck in here yesterday. We came and pulled it out, but it seems it has been, it has over-exhausted its power, since it was stuck maybe overnight. So it has taken much time in the mud. By the time we pulled it out, it failed to gain its power, and we had to leave it here to monitor if it can make it. But however, it failed to make it until the carnivores came and attacked it from behind. That finally caused its death. But however, the main cause wss stuck in the mud."
16. Mid of hippo wading in thick muddy water near bird
17. Zoom of elephant standing near buildings feeding from high tree branches with its trunk
18. Tracking shot of impala in dry dusty clearing
19. Mid of Mana Pools National Park tourist sign (in English)
20. Close of signs (in English) "Feeding of Animals Strictly Prohibited" and "No Fruit"
21. Various of 4x4 vehicle towing trailer of feed
22. SOUNDBITE (English) Munyaradzi Dzoro, Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority Wildlife Officer:
"Usually, as Parks, we used to say nature should take its course. That is passive management, where we just look and monitor the ecosystem to control itself. But at a point, we are forced to sort of intervene. Like, we've come up with a feeding strategy now, where we are saying we need to supplement the feeding of animals right in the flood plain, because the food which used to be there - acacia pods - that could not make it because of rain, and we are not certain when the rain is coming. So, to avoid the losing of animals, we are saying we need to intervene to sort of maintain population sizes."
23. Wide of two elephants eating feed provided by Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority
24. Close of hay bales used for animal feed
25. Close of elephant eating feed
26. Wide of elephants eating feed
27. Mid of zebra grazing near elephant feeding
28. Wide of buffalo and elephants feeding
Northern Zimbabwe - 29 October 2019
29. Wide of building in village
30. Mid of the Phiri family, who live in village adjacent to Mana Pools National Park
31. SOUNDBITE (Shona) Rufaro Phiri, Villager:
"We have a problem here whereby hungry wild animals from Mana Pools National Park are attacking our livestock. We have elephants, lions and hyenas coming here to the villages to even destroy our crops. The problem won't end, because every time we tell the National Parks officials that we have a problem with their animals, they just come and take their animals and won't give us a solution. So if we attack their animals here, they get us arrested."
32. Mid of child delivering plastic bucket with dishes to seated mother
Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe - 29 October 2019
33. Mid of wild dogs resting in shade
34. Wide of wild dogs and birds in bush land in late afternoon
35. Mid of group of wild dogs in dusty bush land
36. Wide of zebras standing and grazing in dusty field
A serious drought in southern Africa has left wild animals including elephants in grave danger, as water and food sources literally dry up.
Park rangers in the Mana Pools National Park in northern Zimbabwe are praying for rain, and have taken to trucking in feed to keep wildlife populations alive.
But if long-delayed rains don't materialise soon, the rangers warn their efforts might not be enough.
A festering carcass is all that remains of this once majestic creature of the southern African bush.
Weak from hunger and thirst, this elephant died seeking water at this natural floodway known as the Mana Pools, a place in northern Zimbabwe where wildlife traditionally drink.
But with a serious drought, the animal got stuck in the drying mud.
Eventually, staff from Zimbabwe's Parks and Wildlife Management Agency freed it, but it later collapsed and died.
Zimbabwe is usually one of the biggest food growing areas in southern Africa, but severe drought caused by lack of rain affected harvests between October 2018 and May 2019. In August this year the government declared the 2018/19 drought a State of National Disaster and appealed for international humanitarian aid.
Ten elephants have died at the park in recent weeks, according to staff.
At the larger Hwange National Park in western Zimbabwe, authorities say the death toll is higher: at least 55 elephants have died there from the drought in the past two months.
Mana Pools, a UNESCO World Heritage Site listed for its splendid setting along the Zambezi River, annually experiences hot, dry weather at this time of year.
But this year it is worse.
Each morning, Munyaradzi Dzoro, a parks agency wildlife officer, prays for rain.
"It's beginning to be serious since the water level, on most pans, is decreasing. So it might be worse with time if the rain fail, if we fail to receive the first rains in October or early November. This might be serious," he says.
Just metres away is another carcass, that of a Cape buffalo that had also been pulled out of the mud by rangers, but was then attacked by hungry lions.
And other animals are stressed too, including zebras, hippos, impalas and buffaloes that can't find enough food.
"This buffalo was stuck in here yesterday. We came and pulled it out, but it seems it has been, it has over-exhausted its power, since it was stuck maybe overnight. So it has taken much time in the mud. By the time we pulled it out, it failed to gain its power, and we had to leave it hear to monitor if it can make it. But however, it failed to make it until the carnivores came and attacked it from behind. That finally caused its death. But however, the main cause was stuck in the mud," Dzoro says.
Separated from neighbouring Zambia by the Zambezi, the region's once reliable sources of water have turned into death traps for animals desperate to reach the muddy ponds. Like the elephant and buffalo, many other animals in the park have got stuck in the clay while trying to reach Long Pool, the largest of the watering holes at 3 miles (4 kilometres) long.
Now only 5 percent full, Long Pool is one of the few remaining water sources in this part of the park.
Hippos are submerged in some puddles to avoid skin desiccation, while birds pick catfish from the muddy riverbed.
Two other pools have completely dried out, while another is at between 20 and 30 percent full and dwindling, Dzoro says.
On the floodplains where more than 12,000 elephants and an abundance of lions, buffaloes, zebras, wild dogs, hyenas, zebras and elands roam freely, animals are visibly affected.
Some impalas show signs of skin mange.
A prominent sign states that feeding of animals in the park is strictly prohibited.
Seasonal rains are expected soon, but parks officials and wildlife lovers, fearing that too many animals will die before then, are bringing in food to help the distressed animals. The extremely harsh conditions persuaded the park authorities to abandon their usual policy of not intervening.
"Usually, as Parks, we used to say nature should take its course. That is passive management, where we just look and monitor the ecosystem to control itself. But at a point, we are forced to sort of intervene. Like, we've come up with a feeding strategy now, where we are saying we need to supplement the feeding of animals right in the flood plain, because the food which used to be there - acacia pods - that could not make it because of rain, and we are not certain when the rain is coming. So, to avoid the losing of animals, we are saying we need to intervene to sort of maintain population sizes," says Dzoro.
As part of the drive, trucks and tractors drawing trailers have been ferrying hay to various spots in the 2,196 square kilometre (848 square mile) park.
In some areas, elephants, buffaloes and zebras are fed next to each other.
The "Feed Mana" project has so far trucked 14,000 bales to the park, authorities here say.
They are appealing for urgent donations of items such as soy bean hay, grass, game cubes and molasses.
In the villages adjacent to the National Park, the plight of desperate wildlife seeking food has had a knock-on effect on farmers themselves suffering under drought conditions.
The severe drought has left more than a third of rural households in Zimbabwe –  around 3.5 million people – dangerously food insecure according to the UN World Food Programme (WFP).
"We have a problem here whereby hungry wild animals from Mana Pools National Park are attacking our livestock. We have elephants, lions and hyenas coming here to the villages to even destroy our crops. The problem won't end, because every time we tell the National Parks officials that we have a problem with their animals, they just come and take their animals and won't give us a solution. So if we attack their animals here, they get us arrested," says villager Rufaro Phiri.
Right now there's little sign of respite. At Mana Pools, officials say climate change has changed weather patterns.
In past years, Mana Pools would receive up to 600 millimetres (24 inches) of rain per year according to Dzoro.
Now he says the Pools are lucky to get 300 millimetres (12 inches).
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