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కవలల హత్యతో కలకలం

మధ్యప్రదేశ్​ చిత్రకూట్​లో ఈనెల 12న అపహరణకు గురైన కవలల మృతదేహాలు యూపీ బాందా జిల్లాలో లభ్యమయ్యాయి. కవలల మృతిపై చిత్రకూట్ ప్రజలు​ తీవ్ర ఆగ్రహం వ్యక్తంచేశారు. ఆందోళనకు దిగారు. నిరసనలు హింసాత్మకంగా మారాయి.

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Published : Feb 24, 2019, 3:04 PM IST

Updated : Feb 24, 2019, 7:43 PM IST

కిడ్నాపర్ల చేతిలో హత్యకు గురైన కవలలు

మధ్యప్రదేశ్ సాత్నా జిల్లా చిత్రకూట్​లో కవలల అపహరణ ఘటన విషాదాంతమైంది. ఈ నెల 12న అపహరణకు గురైన ఇద్దరి మృతదేహాలు ఉత్తరప్రదేశ్​ బాందా జిల్లాలో యమునా నదిలో లభ్యమయ్యాయి.

పాఠశాలకు నుంచి ఇంటికి వెళుతున్న చిన్నారుల్ని గుర్తు తెలియని దుండగులు అపహరించుకుపోయారు. కిడ్నాపర్లు డిమాండ్ చేసిన మొత్తాన్ని తల్లిదండ్రులు చెల్లించినప్పటికీ... కవలల్ని క్రూరంగా హత్య చేశారు దుండగులు. చేతులు కట్టేసి నదిలోకి విసిరేశారు. ఈ కేసులో ఆరుగురు నిందితుల్ని అరెస్టు చేశారు పోలీసులు.

పెల్లుబికిన ఆగ్రహావేశాలు...

చిత్రకూట్​లో కవలలు కిడ్నాప్​ అయిన నాటి నుంచి వారు క్షేమంగా ఇల్లు చేరాలని ఎదురుచూశారు స్థానికులు. దుండగులు కవలల్ని పొట్టన పెట్టుకున్నారన్న వార్త విని స్థానికుల్లో ఆగ్రహావేశాలు పెల్లుబికాయి. స్థానికులు రోడ్లపైకి వచ్చి ఆందోళన చేశారు. భావోద్వేగానికిలోనై హింసాత్మక చర్యలకు పాల్పడ్డారు. ఆందోళనకారుల్ని అదుపుచేసేందుకు మధ్యప్రదేశ్​, ఉత్తరప్రదేశ్​కు చెందిన 1500మంది పోలీసుల్ని చిత్రకూట్​కి తరలించారు. పట్టణంలో 144 సెక్షన్​ విధించారు.

కవలల హత్యతో కలకలం

మధ్యప్రదేశ్ సాత్నా జిల్లా చిత్రకూట్​లో కవలల అపహరణ ఘటన విషాదాంతమైంది. ఈ నెల 12న అపహరణకు గురైన ఇద్దరి మృతదేహాలు ఉత్తరప్రదేశ్​ బాందా జిల్లాలో యమునా నదిలో లభ్యమయ్యాయి.

పాఠశాలకు నుంచి ఇంటికి వెళుతున్న చిన్నారుల్ని గుర్తు తెలియని దుండగులు అపహరించుకుపోయారు. కిడ్నాపర్లు డిమాండ్ చేసిన మొత్తాన్ని తల్లిదండ్రులు చెల్లించినప్పటికీ... కవలల్ని క్రూరంగా హత్య చేశారు దుండగులు. చేతులు కట్టేసి నదిలోకి విసిరేశారు. ఈ కేసులో ఆరుగురు నిందితుల్ని అరెస్టు చేశారు పోలీసులు.

పెల్లుబికిన ఆగ్రహావేశాలు...

చిత్రకూట్​లో కవలలు కిడ్నాప్​ అయిన నాటి నుంచి వారు క్షేమంగా ఇల్లు చేరాలని ఎదురుచూశారు స్థానికులు. దుండగులు కవలల్ని పొట్టన పెట్టుకున్నారన్న వార్త విని స్థానికుల్లో ఆగ్రహావేశాలు పెల్లుబికాయి. స్థానికులు రోడ్లపైకి వచ్చి ఆందోళన చేశారు. భావోద్వేగానికిలోనై హింసాత్మక చర్యలకు పాల్పడ్డారు. ఆందోళనకారుల్ని అదుపుచేసేందుకు మధ్యప్రదేశ్​, ఉత్తరప్రదేశ్​కు చెందిన 1500మంది పోలీసుల్ని చిత్రకూట్​కి తరలించారు. పట్టణంలో 144 సెక్షన్​ విధించారు.

కవలల హత్యతో కలకలం
Here are the stories AP Television aims to cover over the next 12 hours. All times in GMT.
VATICAN BISHOPS ABUSE REAX - Bishops point to varying approaches on abuse. COMING SHORTLY
COLOMBIA VENEZUELA DESERTERS - Three Venezuelan National Guards flee to Colombia. STORY NUMBERS 4197607
VENEZUELA BORDER TENSIONS 2 -Stone-throwing, vehicles set alight, at Venezuela border. STORY NUMBER 4197618
NIGERIA POLLS CLOSING - Counting underway as some polls close in Nigeria. STORY NUMBER 4197614
NIGERIA BUHARI VOTING 2 - President Muhammadu Buhari votes in hometown. STORY NUMBER 4197578
NIGERIA ABUBAKAR VOTING - Opposition candidate Abubakar votes in Yola. STORY NUMBER 4197576
INDIA FIRE - Hundreds of cars catch fire at Bengaluru air show. STORY NUMBER 4197596
CHINA KIM TRAIN - Train possibly taking NKorea's Kim to summit enters China. STORY NUMBER 4197610 /
VENEZUELA AID - Opposition leader Juan Guaido has sent off a humanitarian aid convoy of trucks from Colombia toward the border of Venezuela at a pivotal moment in a showdown with President Nicolas Maduro. Guaido says that he's standing among tons of supplies, but Maduro's government favors blocking it from entering peacefully into Venezuela, where it could save lives.
Maduro has closed the country's borders and National Guard soldiers have clashed with protesters.
::No timings or schedule.
::Covering/accessing at borders with Colombia and Brazil
::Covering/accessing as develops
VATICAN SEX ABUSE - Third of a four-day of a summit convened by Pope Francis at the Vatican to prevent cover-ups by Catholic superiors everywhere, as many around the world continue to protect the church's reputation at all costs, denying that priests rape children and by discrediting victims even as new cases keep coming to light.
:: Third presentation by journalist Valentina Alazraki from Mexican broadcaster Televisa, entitled "Communication: to all people".
:: Edit expected
::1820GMT - Bishops leave at the end of the day. Covering live. LiveU quality. Edit to follow.
Other coverage
::1945GMT - Mons Georges Pontier, Archbishop of Marseille and President of the French Bishops Conference holds a news conference. ::Covering live. LiveU quality. Edit to follow.
NIGERIA ELECTIONS - Africa's largest democracy goes to the polls on Saturday, one week after a surprise delay.
::Chasing election observers. TBA.
:: Manual opening of ballot boxes and counting starts.
::Edit expected
::We expect results to come out overnight and into the next day from INEC. It may take up to 48 hours for full results. Accessing live and edited coverage.
US R KELLY - Chicago police say R&B star R. Kelly has been taken into custody in connection with multiple charges of aggravated sexual abuse involving four victims, including at least three between the ages of 13 and 17. Kelly was arrested Friday night at the precinct in Chicago where he handed himself him and will appear Saturday afternoon in court.
::Kelly's bond hearing is set for 1830GMT at Cook County Criminal Courthouse in Chicago on Saturday.
::Covering outside court live, edit to follow. Sketch artist inside the courthouse.
FRANCE AGRICULTURE FAIR - French President Emmanuel Macron attends the annual agricultural fair.
::More edits expected
::Chasing reax
::Monitoring for possible yellow vest protests. TBA
FRANCE PROTEST - Yellow vest protesters plan to hold a fifteenth week of demonstrations and have called for a gathering at Place de Republic.
::We will offer intermittent live when it kicks off but not continual live throughout the day.
SERBIA PROTEST - Anti-government protesters demand early elections in Serbia.
::1800GMT. Edited self cover
MOROCCO ROYALS - The Duke and Duchess of Sussex begin a three-day visit to Morocco.
::TIME TBA - The Duke and Duchess will be greeted by the British Ambassador to Morocco and his wife at Casablanca Airport.
::Accessing live. Edit to follow.
RUSSIA PUTIN - Russian President Vladimir Putin lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to mark Defender of the Fatherland Day.
::TIME TBC. Accessing edited cover.
RUSSIA TROPHY TRAIN - A Defence Ministry train containing trophies captured from rebel fighters in Syria, including a tank, armoured vehicle and numerous weapons, sets off on a grand tour of Russia, visiting dozens of towns and cities before heading back to Moscow for Victory Day celebrations in May.
::Edit expected
AFGHANISTAN UN REPORT - United Nation's Assistance Mission For Afghanistan (UNAMA) will release its report on civilian protection in armed conflict for the year 2018.
::On merit
SYRIA FIGHTING - Evacuation of civilians continue from Baghouz, last piece of IS-held territory near border with Iraq.
::Covering and accessing developments
YEMEN CEASEFIRE - Government delegation threatens to pull out from the talks as Hodeida talks falter.
SUDAN UNREST - Monitoring protests against longtime ruler Omar Bashir.
GAZA VIOLENCE - Monitoring for funeral of protesters, injured in hospitals following Friday protests.
US DC TRUMP - The president is in Washington this weekend.
US SHANAHAN BORDER - Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan visits the border crossing in El Paso.
::Pool coverage
US MARK KELLY - Mark Kelly - Former astronaut, gun-control activist and husband of Gabby Giffords - launches his campaign for Senate.
::2100GMT - Covering live. LiveU quality
BRAZIL STREET CARNIVAL - Thousands of revelers to join the carnival band at Ipanema beach in Rio de Janeiro six days ahead of the official opening of carnival in Brazil.
::Covering live for Live Choice for 1730GMT
::Edit for 2030GMT
MEXICO VENEZUELA AID MARCH - March in support of the entry of the aid for Venezuela into the country.
::Scheduled to start at 1630GMT from the Simon Bolivar monument to the Angel of Independency monument in Reforma Avenue.
::Covering/edit on merits
JAPAN EMPEROR - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe leads government-hosted ceremony celebrating the 30th anniversary of Japanese Emperor Akihito's reign. Akihito is set to abdicate in April and his son Crown Prince Naruhito will be inaugurated as the new emperor after he steps down.
::0500GMT: Ceremony.  
::Accessing live, edit to follow
JAPAN OKINAWA REFERENDUM - The referendum is being done to get a pulse on what the residents of Okinawa want but will have no impact on what the central government decides to do. Okinawa's governor Danny Tamaki opposes the plan.
::2100GMT (Saturday) – 1100GMT, voting
:: Accessing
::Late Sunday night or early Monday morning: Result expected. ::Accessing
VATICAN SEX ABUSE _ Fourth and final day of a summit convened by Pope Francis at the Vatican to prevent cover-ups by Catholic superiors everywhere, as many around the world continue to protect the church's reputation at all costs, denying that priests rape children and by discrediting victims even as new cases keep coming to light.
::0700GMT - Live exterior of gates where most bishops should arrive. Doorsteps of bishops.
::Covering live. LiveU quality. Edit to follow.
::0830GMT - Mass with the presence of Pope Francis, Monsignor Coleridge will deliver the homily.
::Accessing live. Edit to follow.
::0945GMT - Pope Francis delivers the closing remarks of the summit. ::Accessing live. Edit to follow.
::1230GMT - Vatican's press briefing on the protection of minors in the church.
::Accessing Live. Edited self-cover to follow
::0900GMT - Interviews outside St Peter's square with abuse survivors from SNAP and analyst in reaction to the Pope final address.
::Edited self-cover to follow  
::1100GMT - Pope delivers Angelus prayer and message from St Peter's square.
::Accessing live. Edit to follow  
::1300GMT - SNAP and Pennsylvania state representative Mark Rozzi will discuss how church and secular officials in the USA have responded to the abuse crisis and the legal barriers created for the victims, such as the statutes of limitations.
::Edited self cover.
SPAIN PROTEST _Committees for the Defence of the Republic plan to hold a protest against King Felipe who is visiting Barcelona to attend the Mobile World Congress. The King will give an address at a welcome dinner organized by WMC at the Catalonia Museum of Art .
::1600GMT – Protest outside the Catalonia Museum of Art.
::Covering live. LiveU quality. Edit to follow.
::1830GMT - King Felipe gives speech at dinner.
::Covering live. LiveU quality. Edit to follow.
MOLDOVA ELECTIONS _General elections in Moldova could see pro-Russian party winning.
::0500GMT – Polls open.
::Covering Live. Live U quality. Edit to follow.
::TIME TBA – Moldovan President Igor Dodon casts his vote.
::Covering Live. LiveU quality. Edit to follow.
::TIME TBA – Ruling Democrat leader Vlad Pahotniuc casts his vote.
::1900GMT – Polls close.
::Covering Live. Live U quality. Edit to follow.
::2100GMT approx – Election commission announces preliminary results.
::Covering Live. LiveU quality. Edit to follow.
NIGERIA ELECTIONS_ Africa's most populous country votes for president.
::NIGERIA VIGILANTES _How ordinary citizens are fighting Boko Haram.
::Edit expected
::Monitoring INEC for election results.
SENEGAL ELECTIONS _ Senegal is heading to the polls on 24 February to vote for the country's president. Incumbent President Macky Sall is in the running again in the West African nation, seen as one of the most stable democracies in sub-Saharan Africa.
::0800GMT – Polls open, first voters and comments in Dakar. Edited self cover.
::Between 1000/1100GMT - President Macky Sall votes in Fatick.
::Edited self cover.
::Between 1000/1100GMT - Sonko votes in Ziguinchor (in the south). ::Edit expected
::TBA - Idrissa Seck vote in Thies.
::Edited self cover.
::TBA - Update of people voting in Dakar. TBA.
::1830GMT – Polls close.
::Edited self cover with interview of Chief of EU mission of observers. No access to counting.
::No official results expected in the evening and no candidates' comments  
::Electoral Commission expected to publish first results by Tuesday or Wednesday.
::Candidates might hold press conferences on Monday. TBA
FRANCE YELLOW VESTS _ A small group of yellow vest protesters plan to gather on the Champs Elysees to protest anti-semitism.
::1000GMT. Edited self cover on merit.
RUSSIA NEMTSOV _Thousands are expected to march in central Moscow on Sunday in memory of opposition lawmaker Boris Nemtsov, to mark the 4th anniversary of his murder near the Kremlin walls.  
::1000GMT. Covering live and ENG. Edits to follow.
MOROCCO ROYALS_ The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visit education projects in Asni in the Atlas Mountains and later attend a reception hosted by the British Ambassador to Morocco in Rabat.
:: The Duke and Duchess visit a boarding house in the town of Asni. The Moroccan NGO 'Education For All' builds boarding houses for girls aged between 12 to 18 to ensure they have access to secondary education. ::Covering Live. LiveU quality. Accessing edited coverage.
:: The Duke and Duchess visit the original 'Education For All' boarding house where The Duke will invest Michael McHugo, the founder of 'Education for All', with the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.  ::Covering Live. LiveU quality. Accessing edited coverage
:: Reception hosted by the British Ambassador to Morocco in Rabat.
::Accessing edited coverage
ITALY FLIGHT OF THE ANGEL_ An 'angel' glides from the top of the St. Mark's Basilica bell tower into the crowd, marking one of the most magical moments of the Carnival of Venice. The 'angel' is the winner of last year's contest of the 'Marias', the young women chosen each year to represent the city in a traditional historical procession.
::1000GMT – Gliding starts.
::Covering live. LiveU quality. Edit to follow
ALGERIA PROTEST – Protest to denounce ailing President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's bid for a fifth term.
::1300GMT event starts, covering. Edit expected
SYRIA FIGHTING - Evacuation of civilians continue from Baghouz, last piece of IS-held territory near border with Iraq.
:: Monitoring
YEMEN CEASEFIRE - Government delegation threatens to pull out from the talks as Hodeida talks falter
:: On merit
SUDAN UNREST – Monitoring protests against longtime ruler Omar Bashir.
UAE RELIGIOUS FREEDOM -  U.S. Ambassador-At-Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback speaks to The Associated Press at a tolerance summit in the United Arab Emirates
:: All details TBA
MIDEAST CABINET - Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu convenes his cabinet for weekly meeting
:: 0830GMT, self-cover on merit
EGYPT EU ARAB SUMMIT - The EU-League of Arab States summit will bring together for the first time heads of state or government from both sides in Sharm el-Sheikh.
:: Attendees include Sissi, Tusk, Juncker, May and Merkel
:: Morning piece on increased security ahead of the summit
:: 1500GMT, arrivals LIVE
:: 1530GMT, opening ceremony LIVE
:: 1550GMT, plenary
:: 1800GMT, family photo
:: 1815GMT, official dinner
:: Accessing TBC, edits to follow
Last Updated : Feb 24, 2019, 7:43 PM IST
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