Hyderabad: To maintain enthusiasm and happiness around Diwali it is very important that the festival is celebrated safely and in a healthy manner to avoid physical problems or diseases. Especially diabetics need to take more care of their health on this occasion.
Around the atmosphere of Diwali, markets are filled with sweets and delicacies. At the same time, there is a tradition of making delicious dishes during festivals in our country. It is easy for the mind to get tempted and crave such delicacies in a festive atmosphere. But this craving for taste can take a toll on the health of those who suffer from problems like diabetes. According to the doctors, after Diwali, the problem of high blood sugar shoots up in diabetic patients. Apart from this, there are other types of problems which diabetics have to face due to negligence in their diet.
Dr Sameer Singh, General Physician from Jaipur explains that on the occasion of Diwali, people exchange sweets and dishes among each other which disturbs their regular diet. The number of sweets, cold drinks and spicy dishes increases in their routine. If these things can worsen the health of a normal person, then they can create severe problems for diabetics. Generally, on the occasion of festivals, people suffering from problems like diabetes, especially the elderly and children, start ignoring food and drink. The result of this is seen in the form of an increase in their blood sugar level.
He explains that Diwali is an occasion when due to changes in weather, pollution and many other reasons, there is a high possibility of getting infected with many types of diseases and infections. This can worsen the condition of diabetics. This awareness should not be limited to food and drink, but also regarding routine, exercise and other physical activities.
Dr Sameer explains that the consumption of refined sugar and refined flour (Maida) is very harmful to diabetics. But during festivals, most of the sweets are made from refined sugar. At the same time, most of the delicacies are made from refined flour. It is better to avoid these dishes on such occasions. Instead of refined flour, it is better to consume dishes made of wheat or multigrain in which the amount of oil used to prepare it is very little.
Also, it is better to prefer sweets made from jaggery, dates or figs instead of refined sugar. But diabetics should always consult a doctor before consuming any sweets and the amount of their consumption, as it depends on the condition of the victim and their sensitivity to these things. Dry fruits and fruits are always a better and safer option than sweets.
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He explains that, when diabetics go to someone's house for a festive meeting, then drinking tea or cold drinks, in which the amount of sugar is very high, should be avoided. Apart from this, as far as possible at home and outside, instead of sweetened beverages, consuming normal temperature or lukewarm water, coconut water, unsweetened lemonade or lemonade mixed with sugar-free in very small quantities is a better option. Diabetics should also avoid eating white rice as it has a high glycemic index, which can elevate blood sugar levels.
Dr Sameer explains the importance of not just following a diet, but also the manner of following it. Diabetics should always avoid having a lot of food in one go, also a long gap between two meals can increase the level of sugar in their blood. Therefore, it is safer for diabetics to eat small amounts of food four to five times a day instead of three meals a day. It is also important to keep in mind that the amount of nutrition in the diet is sufficient. Due to this, the level of blood sugar in the body stays in control. Apart from this, it is better to include vegetables, fruits and foods with high amounts of protein in the diet.
He explains that it is also very important to avoid dehydration in the body, especially for diabetics. Lack of water in the body can also affect the level of sugar in the blood. Avoid consuming cold drinks or sweet syrups in the name of hydrating your body, as it will do more harm. Instead, it is better to consume fresh fruit or vegetable juices without sugar or salted buttermilk and coconut water.
Diabetics need to follow discipline and an active lifestyle. Exercise is the best way to control the blood sugar level in the body, as well as control the insulin level in the body. Therefore, not just during festivals, but also in regular life, diabetics should follow an active lifestyle like getting up on time in the morning, sleeping on time at night, eating food on time, participating in activities which are more physical and doing regular exercise.
Usually, on the occasion of Diwali, parties and gatherings are organized at people's houses. In such situations, alcohol and other kinds of alcoholic drinks of more or less quantity are also served. People think that alcohol can increase the fun of the party but its excessive and continuous consumption can be very harmful to health. Diabetic patients should avoid its consumption as far as possible or consume it in minimum quantity. Dr Sameer explains that during this festive season, by including these small instructions in your daily routine and diet, many types of physical problems that occur during and after the festival can be avoided, and a healthy Diwali can be celebrated.