Kolkata: A day after Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee alleged that outsiders were brought to the state to carry out attacks on the local police station and private property at Kaliaganj in Uttar Dinajpur district, the Leader of Opposition Suvendu Adhikari accused the state police of killing a tribal youth in Kalianganj.
In a tweet, Adhikari said, "Trigger-happy 'Mamata police' Trigger-happy 'Mamata' police raided the house of a BJP Panchayet Samiti Member Bishnu Barman at 2:30 am midnight (April 27; 2023) but did not find him. They brutally shot dead a Rajbangshi young man named Mrityunjay Barman; 33 years old, S/O Rabindranath Barman. This is tyranny and state terror at its worst form and Mamata Banerjee is merry-making like Emperor Nero while the state is burning and sliding into a phase of civil unrest."
Suvendu's tweet has marked a political slugfest between the ruling TMC and Opposition BJP which are sparing no opportunity to attack each other. Adhikari's Twitter message is seen as a counter-measure against Mamata's Wednesday's comment. Banerjee earlier alleged BJP was behind the incidents of vandalism that rocked Kaliaganj on Tuesday following the death of a minor girl last week and directed the state police to explore attaching properties of those found involved in the case of arson and violence.
“Outsiders were brought in to set fire to Kaliaganj police station as well as ordinary people’s property. Police will explore attaching properties of those involved in rioting,” Banerjee told reporters at the state secretariat after an administrative meeting.
“BJP brought hooligans from Bihar and they ransacked and set on fire the Kaliaganj police station. They planned the entire vandalism. Even policewomen were assaulted,” the chief minister claimed.
She said the police will probe both the girl’s death as also the arson and vandalism which occurred on Tuesday. “Our government is with the family of the victim,” Banerjee told reporters at the state secretariat after an administrative meeting.