Kolkata: In a sudden late evening development on Monday, the central leadership of BJP announced the decision to remove Dilip Ghosh as the state BJP president in West Bengal. Ghosh has been replaced by the party's Lok Sabha member from the Balurghat constituency in the South Dinajpur district of West Bengal, Sukanta Majumdar.
The national vice president of BJP, Arun Singh issued a statement in this regard on late Monday evening. In the statement, he made it clear that the replacement has been done following the wish of the party's national president, JP Nadda.
The development comes after Babul Supriyo, actor turned politician and BJP's two-time Lok Sabha MP from Asansol, joined Trinamool Congress. His differences with Ghosh over a period had been in the midst of political discussions several times.
Soon after the announcement, Ghosh made a Facebook post congratulating Majumdar. "I congratulate Sukanta Majumdar as the new state president of BJP in West Bengal and wish him every success," Ghosh said.
When contacted by ETV Bharat for his comments, Trinamool Congress's senior MLA and party spokesman, Tapas Roy refused to make any comments on this development stating that it is an internal matter of the party. "This is an internal matter of their party. It would not be fair on my part to make any comment on this issue," he said.
He also declined to make any comment when asked whether Babul Supriyo's joining Trinamool Congress holding Dilip Ghosh responsible for his decision had any connection with Ghosh removal.