Dehradun: Amid India-China rift, the Uttarakhand government had also ordered companies to avert China while calling tenders. The matter has now resurfaced with the purchase of MRI machine in Mahakumbh. Reportedly, Uttarakhand Health Department has given tender to Boston Health Care Solution Private Limited company that buys machine parts from United Health Care, which is a Chinese company. The State Cabinet had imposed a ban on trade with Chinese companies.
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The MRI machines to be bought for the Mahakumbh cost more than 10 crores. According to Arjun Singh Sengar, Kumbh Mela officer, the company which received the tender is dependent on China as machine parts are made there. He said that the company has received a No Objection Certificate from the Government of India.
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He told ETV Bharat that the matter is now being investigated and the MRI machines are not purchased yet. Further action would be sought after the probe.
Meanwhile, Health Secretary Amit Negi issued a statement on this matter stating that he is unaware of the matter. He also added that the purchase will be made as per the State Cabinet's procurement rules.
The tender has sparked a row in the State and Congress leaders accuse that the purchase is made from China itself showing the hypocrisy of the government.
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