Doiwala: South actor Allu Arjun reached Uttarakhand on Friday through Jollygrant Airport in a special charter plane. Blockbuster film 'Pushpa: The Rise' actor was recognised by his fans who were beaming with joy. Arjun was spotted wearing black pants teamed with a black T-shirt and a black mask. But his fans recognized him as soon as he left the airport and started trying to take selfies.
Allu Arjun was welcomed by local businessman Nitin Pundir with a bouquet at the airport and left for Ananda Resort in Narendranagar.
Also Read: Allu Arjun's transformation to Pushpa Raj took more than 2 hours daily, see video
The 'Icon Star's' schedule has been kept confidential as there has been no information about how many days he will stay here. He has done tremendous acting in the recently released Allu Arjun's South's blockbuster film 'Pushpa: The Rise'. It is because of his excellent performance, that people have watched the film and made it a blockbuster hit at the box office.