Rudraprayag (Uttarakhand): Despite warnings issued by the authorities, making reels or clicking selfies at Kedarnath shrine has gone up in Uttarakhand's Rudraprayag. In a viral video, which is doing rounds on social media, a flyer was seen taking photos of the chopper. He was standing at a corner of the helipad and was capturing images on his mobile phone. On seeing this, alert security personnel rushed towards him and gave him a hard slap. When he was fleeing from the spot, another security guard ran towards him and began kicking the man. In the video, the passenger was seen fleeing away from the helipad and the security man continuously kicking him.
It may be recalled that Amit Saini, the financial controller of Uttarakhand Civil Aviation Development Authority (UCADA), had visited Kedarnath Dham before the commencement of the Char Dham Yatra. Saini was on an inspection tour for reviewing the Char Dham Yatra preparations. He was hit by the rear blade of the helicopter and died. Instead of coming from the front, he went to the rear portion of the chopper. The official came in contact with a rotating chopper blade. He sustained fatal injuries leading to his death.
After the tragic incident, people were raising questions over the security arrangements at Kedarnath Dham helipad. Thousands of devotees thronging Kedarnath Dham every day were adopting different tactics to make reels. The viral video was stated to be a few days old. In the video, a helicopter was landing at the helipad. While passengers were seen boarding another helicopter. Reacting to the viral video, people were saying that had the security personnel not reached on time, a major incident could have happened.
Also read: DGCA orders probe as govt official dies after hit by helicopter rotor blades in Kedarnath