Haridwar: In a bizarre turn of events, a man in Uttarakhand's Haridwar has issued a defamation notice and demanded Rs 50 lakh as compensation from his friend after the latter's wedding procession left him and several others high and dry, leaving earlier than previously agreed. Chandrashekhar, as the petitioner is identified, was snubbed by Ravi, his friend, and the groom in this saga, after asking him to distribute wedding invitations to guests.
The problem occurred regarding the marriage ceremony of Ravi, a resident of the Aaradhya Colony area of Haridwar. The ceremony was fixed to take place on June 23 at Dhampur in the Bijnor district. As per information, Chandrashekhar was tasked with inviting about six to seven people and distributing the invitation among them. The issue kickstarted once the guests arrived at the spot, alongside Chandrashekhar, at about 4:50 pm, 10 minutes before departure for the ceremony.
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Speaking to ETV Bharat, Arup Bhadoriya, the advocate of the latter, said that "the guests came to know after a conversation between the duo that the wedding party had already left. Ravi suggested the guests go back home, after which chaos ensued. The guests insulted Chandrashekhar and noted that they would ostracize him for life, as he invited them for marriage. Later, Chandrashekhar approached me and I sent a legal notice to Ravi.
I have given him a three-day period to apologize in writing and further asked for a Rs 50 lakh sum to be provided to Chandrashekhar for the damages done. If unfulfilled, we will file a case in both Haridwar High Court and civil court for the written apology and the compensation respectively," Bhadoriya said.