Agra: In an intriguing incident, a newlywed bride from Uttar Pradesh ran away after poisoning her in-laws in a moving train on Tuesday. A preliminary investigation revealed that the bride was not happy with the marriage following which she resorted to that step. The incident took place on the Marudhar Express, which was proceeding from Varanasi to Jaipur.
According to reports, the bride was going to her in-laws' house from Varanasi to Jaipur on the Marudhar Express after the marriage. During the journey, she served snacks mixed with poison to her in-laws after which they were dropped on the side of the railway track near Nagla Ramphal village in the Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh. The bride absconded after executing her plan.
The Railway Protection Force (RPF) reached the spot after receiving the information and admitted the family to a nearby private hospital for treatment. "On Tuesday at 7 am, four people were seen on the railway track near Nagla Ramphal village. The RPF helped them and admitted them to a private hospital for treatment. At present, everyone's condition is stable," said PRO of Agra Railway Division Prashasti Srivastava.
Also read: Bhagalpur youth travels 450 km to Varanasi to pick up his bride
In a similar incident, a newlywed woman fled her in-laws' house with cash and ornaments after giving sedatives at dinner to the entire family. The incident happened in the Chota Para area in the Badaun district a few years ago. When the family woke up the following morning, they found the bride missing, along with the cash and valuables. Superintendent of Police (City) Jitendra Kumar Srivastava said that the bride fled with Rs 70,000 and ornaments worth Rs 3 lakhs. He said the investigation is on and further action will be taken.