Muzaffarnagar: In a shocking incident, doctors have removed as many as 63 spoons from a man's stomach in Uttar Pradesh's Muzaffarnagar district with the patient's condition currently critical, officials said. Vijay, a resident of village Bopada in the Mansoorpur police station area, is addicted to drugs and was admitted by his family to a drug de-addiction centre in Shamli where he stayed for about a month.
As per the family, Vijay's health deteriorated at the de-addiction centre, after which they took him to Ivan Multi Specialist Hospital on Bhopa Road in Muzaffarnagar. At the hospital, the doctors operated on him and removed 63 steel spoons from Vijay's stomach. Both the doctors and the family were shocked after the surgery, with no clues as to how the spoons might have ended up in his stomach.
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Vijay's family, unsure about the reasons for such a bizarre finding, alleged that the staff at the drug de-addiction centre had forcibly fed him the spoons. However, the victim has not made any comments on the matter, nor have the doctors made given any statement. There was no response from the local police either.