Kaushambi (Uttar Pradesh): A police officer was sent to District Police lines after a video of him wearing a vest and towel and listening to the complaints of women went viral on social media in Uttar Pradesh's Kaushambi. The officer has been identified as Ram Narayan Sonkar. The incident took place at Singhia outpost of Kokhraj police station area of Kaushambi district of Uttar Pradesh.
According to sources, there was a dispute between two parties in Balak Mau village. Two women then reached the Sanghia police post to complain about the matter and the outpost in-charge Ram Narayan Sonkar came in front of the women wrapped in a vest and towel. He also sat on his office chair and started talking to women. These women hesitated, but then they explained the problems to the outpost in-charge. A video of the incident has gone viral on social media.
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Speaking to the media, Superintendent of Police Brijesh Srivastava said, "Taking the video into cognizance, the outpost in-charge Ram Narayan Sonkar has been sent to District Police lines. The investigation of the case has been handed over to Sirathu area officer Awadhesh Vishwakarma."
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