Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has asked state ministers to visit the districts under their charge at regular intervals, according to an official statement issued here. Adityanath held a meeting with his cabinet colleagues here on Saturday. Agriculture Minister Surya Pratap Shahi has been put in charge of the Ayodhya and Azamgarh districts. Sugarcane Development Minister Laxmi Narayan Chaudhary has been given the responsibilities of Aligarh and Etawah.
Tourism and Culture Minister Jaiveer Singh has been made the in-charge of Varanasi and Bareilly. Forest and Environment Minister Arun Kumar Saxena has been allotted Bulandshahr district. They will be in charge of these districts for a year. Adityanath said after the formation of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in the state, a positive message was sent to people through the circle tours of the group of ministers with the spirit of "Sarkar Aap Ke Dwaar".
The ministers in charge of the districts should be updated about the situation in their regions and should visit the areas at regular intervals, Adityanath said. He also instructed the ministers to communicate directly with the public during their district visits. Along with law and order, aspects related to women's safety, police patrolling, child sexual abuse, problems of businessmen, action on gangsters, traffic management, efforts for revenue collection etc. should be reviewed during these visits, the chief minister said.
If there is an aspirational development block in a district, then the minister concerned should review the situation continuously, he added. "Today, the entire country is celebrating the Millet Year under the guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi," Adityanath said. He added that a dinner of coarse grain dishes was organised at the chief minister's residence on Saturday.
Similarly, all ministers should organise such dinners for public representatives and intellectuals in their respective areas, Adityanath said, adding that people should be made aware of the importance of millets. He said the Global Investors Summit will be held from February 10 to February 12 and all the districts of the state will be connected with the main function. "This will be the first time that investments will be made in all 75 districts of the state simultaneously. The doors to immense possibilities will open for all the districts," the chief minister said. (PTI)