Sitapur: Three people were killed and three others critically injured after a mini-truck hit them in Uttar Pradesh's Sitapur district, police said on Monday. The driver of the truck lost control of the vehicle, which rammed into people, including food vendors, in front of the Sitapur bus station late on Sunday night, Circle Officer (City) Susheel Kumar said.
Three people were killed while three others, including a woman, were seriously injured in the incident. Those injured have been referred to the trauma center in Lucknow, Kumar said. The victims belonged to different localities of Sitapur City. The deceased have been identified as Abhishek (22), Akash (22), and Afjal (48), Kumar said, adding that Abhishek and Akash were ice cream vendors.
Afjal was at the bus station with his wife and son, who were critically injured in the accident. The driver of the mini truck has been taken into custody and a case registered, police said. According to eyewitnesses, the driver was in an inebriated condition and driving the vehicle at a high speed.
According to the data maintained by the transport department report, the State has witnessed a total of 41,746 road accidents between January and December 2022. As many as 22,595 have lost their lives in the said accidents while as many as 28,541 others were injured. As per the data, Kanpur recorded the highest number of road accident deaths at 640 fatalities. It was followed by Prayagraj with 603 casualties, Lucknow with 587 deaths, Agra with 548, Bulandshahr with 542), Gorakhpur with 512, and Unnao with 510. (with PTI inputs)
Also read: Two migrants killed, 14 others injured in Uttar Pradesh road accident