Lucknow: The FIR was lodged against one Raj Dhruv Singh on Wednesday. The threatening call was made from the phone number 9936416481 on December 22 last year in which he had threatened to blow up the Kedarnath temple. The caller identified himself as Raj Dhruv Singh and he dialled up 112.
Devendra Vikram Singh, Inspector of Sushant Golf City police station, said," I had received a complaint in this regard. The matter is pertaining to December 22, 2021, incident. A case was registered on January 12 against the caller Raj Dhruv Singh under Sections 153 (A) and 66 of the IT Act. Probe into the matter has been going on. The last location of the caller had been traced to Haridwar. Thereafter, his phone was found switched off."
The threatening call sent Lucknow Police Headquarters into a tizzy.