Mirzapur (Uttar Pradesh): Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Saturday visited Vindhyachal Dham and offered prayers to Goddess Vindhyavasini in Mirzapur district of Uttar Pradesh. Union Minister and Mirzapur MP Anupriya Patel accompanied the Assam Chief Minister. Giving a reply to reporters' query that scores of people took to the streets from Assam to Kerala in support of Hamas, on Friday, Sarma said that those coming out onto the streets should be put behind bars. "One should not analyse much about this (street protests). People have the right to stage protests and pour out onto the streets. It is our right to put such people behind bars. People will stop pouring out onto the streets."
Explaining further, the Assam Chief Minister said, "People are supporting Hamas. Those who support Hamas militias should understand that our country suffered the most due to the terror attacks. Remaining on tenterhooks...not knowing when and where blasts or firing will take place in the country. Our neighbouring country (read Pakistan) always fomented trouble in the country. Hence, those supporting Hamas should know that are backing terrorism. Such incidents should be condemned. One should not engage in vote-bank politics to gain short-term benefits. The country suffers the most if people go for vote bank politics and support such people."
Lastly, about forthcoming Assembly polls in five states where the BJP will be facing the litmus test for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in 2024, Sarma said, "The elections will come and go. But, in the present scenario, the country has been facing challenges as well as going through difficult times. Therefore, in such a situation, it will be advisable for people to vote for BJP and strengthen the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi."
Also read: Assam Congress urges Madhya Pradesh Congress to take legal action against CM Himanta Biswa Sarma