Lucknow: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Uttar Pradesh has been gearing up for the forthcoming Lok Sabha polls in 2024. The speculation is rife that several top state leaders, ministers, sitting MLAs or party workers will be contesting LS polls on the BJP ticket. The names of former Deputy Chief Minister Dinesh Sharma, Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak, state ministers Jitin Prasada, Asim Arun, Rakesh Sachan and several others were doing rounds. Discussions have been going on to select the right or deserving candidate with winnability prospects. It is assumed that former Deputy Chief Minister Dinesh Sharma will be contesting the Lok Sabha polls from the Kanpur seat. Uttar Pradesh PWD minister Jitin Prasada can be made a candidate from Pilibhit Lok Sabha on a BJP ticket. He will be replacing Varun Gandhi.
It is stated that people are demanding that Social Welfare Minister Asim Arun should be made a candidate for the Lok Sabha elections from the Kannauj seat. This time Mathura Lok Sabha seat will also see some shuffling. Former UP minister and MLA Shrikant Sharma is expected to fight Lok Sabha polls replacing sitting MP Hema Malini. The MLA from Chandauli seat Sushil Singh is also seeking a ticket for contesting general elections.
The name of MLA Upendra Tiwari from Ghazipur or Ballia is being discussed. Rajeshwar Singh, MLA from Sarojininagar, Lucknow, can be the LS candidate replacing Maneka Gandhi from Sultanpur seat. Similarly, the BJP can field MLC Dinesh Singh from Rae Bareli Lok Sabha seat against Congress leader Sonia Gandhi. MLA Tribhuvan Ram can contest from Jaunpur or Machli City. In the same manner, Shalabh Mani Tripathi, MLA from Deoria Sadar, will be contesting Lok Sabha polls. Deputy CM Brajesh Pathak can be fielded from Hardoi's seat.
UP BJP spokesman Avneesh Tyagi speaking to ETV Bharat said, "The BJP Parliamentary Board takes a final call on selecting candidates. The scrutiny of candidates is done in a rigorous manner. The candidate can be anyone sitting MLA, minister or even senior party worker, who holds the prospects of winning the elections."
Also read: Uttar Pradesh: BJP may change 70% district presidents as report reveals abysmally poor performance