Lucknow: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh Friday said that even a Muslim girl can become India's first woman Muslim fighter pilot. Speaking at a convocation of a University in Lucknow, the Defence Minister said that there was a time when women were hardly represented in Defence forces. However, women today are deployed on warships and in extreme areas like Siachen, Rajnath said.
The Defence Minister was referring to Sania Mirza, daughter of a TV mechanic from Mirzapur, who cracked the National Defence Academy entrance exam (NDA). Sania aspires to become a fighter pilot like Avni Chaturvedi, India's first woman fighter pilot.
On December 27, Sania joined NDA Khadakwasla in Pune. Till class 12 Sania completed her education from her village at Pandit Chintamani Dubey Inter College. She then went to Guru Nanak Girls Inter College in the city. She was the district topper in the 12th Uttar Pradesh (UP) Board and then she started preparations for the defence entrance examination. (With Agency inputs)