Sambhal (Uttar Pradesh): Samajwadi Party MP Shafiqur Rahman Burke has slammed the BJP government for the Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's disqualification from the Lok Sabha. Targeting the BJP, Burke on Sunday said that the disqualification of Rahul Gandhi from the Lok Sabha will give rise to a fire that will not cool down anytime soon.
This action will have an effect on the 2024 elections. Speaking to the media at his residence in Sambhal's Deepa Sarai, Burke said, "Rahul Gandhi was sentenced to two years in jail by a court in Surat in a 2019 criminal defamation case over his 'why all thieves have Modi surname remark'.
"He was subsequently disqualified from the Lok Sabha. This will give rise to a fire which will not cool. This will also have an adverse effect in the 2024 election for the BJP. They (BJP) must understand that this is not the right way to bring the people to their fold and this is also not the right way to run a democratic country," the Parliamentarian said.
They must understand that in the upcoming 2024 elections, they will have to face the wrath of people's emotions after this case. I feel this nation belongs to everyone. Even a child is the owner of this country. It does not belong to one person or to one party. A party must run the nation according to the constitution, Burke said.
Also read- It's wrong: Ghulam Nabi Azad on Rahul Gandhi's disqualification
Today they are running the nation, tomorrow someone else will. Only if they work according to the constitution, the people of the country will support them. A party must work for the benefit of the people but a common man in this country is sad. People are not getting enough food on their plate, he said.
Education... the healthcare sector has become expensive. People are not getting jobs. If this continues, how will the country move forward? Everyone needs to think about the country's overall development, the Lok Sabha member opined.