Aligarh: Tension prevailed in the Gangiri area of Aligarh on Monday after three idols of Ram Darbar were found damaged in a Lord Hanuman temple. Investigations have revealed that the idols were damaged in a quarrel that broke out between the priest of the temple and a resident of the area. The police arrested one person in this connection.
Enraged at the incident, a crowd gathered at the temple premises demanding action against the accused and immediate installation of new idols. After receiving the information, senior police officers reached the spot. They tried to bring the situation under control by assuring that new idols would be installed by replacing the damaged ones very soon. The accused, identified as Umesh, reportedly damaged the idols after his son got into an altercation with the temple's priest on Monday night.
Also read: Idols found damaged at ancient temple in UP's Meerut; police say inebriated man behind act
Circle Officer Chharra Shivendu said that the Hanuman temple is located at Malsai village under the Gangiri police station limits. On Monday morning, some people, including the priest, became angry when they saw the damaged idols at the temple. After the news spread, a huge crowd gathered in the area and started protesting against the incident. Shivendu said they were looking into the demands of the local people.
Umesh was arrested in connection with the incident. Next, an order was placed for installing new idols. An FIR has been registered in this connection and legal action will be taken against the accused, said the police. SP Rural Palash Bansal said investigations have revealed that Umesh's son Jan Singh, a resident of the village, had a heated argument with the temple's priest over a petty issue. After this, in a fit of rage, Umesh broke the idols of the temple, police said. A case was registered immediately and the accused was arrested. The police are investigating the case.