Balaghat (MP): A Naxalite carrying a reward of Rs 12 lakh on his head and wanted in at least three states was killed on Sunday in an encounter with police in the forests of Balaghat district in Madhya Pradesh, an official said. The skirmish broke out between Naxalites and personnel of Hawk Force and the police conducting a search operation in Harratola forest under the Roopjhar police station limits in the morning on a tip-off about the presence of Naxalites, said Inspector General of Police (IGP) Sanjay Singh.
He said the Naxalites were asked to surrender but they opened fire, which was returned. The slain Naxalite was identified as Rupesh aka Hoonga, a member of Bhoramdev Dalam. He was carrying a reward of Rs 12 lakh on his head and wanted by the police in Maharashtra, MP, and Chhattisgarh, Singh added.