Hathras: In a shocking incident of alleged sexual assault, a 7-year-old girl was raped by a 17-year-old youth at a village in Hathras district of Uttar Pradesh, police said. On the complaint of the victim's father, the police have registered a report against the accused. The alleged sexual assault is believed to have taken place on Tuesday, Nov 7 at the village in Sikandra Rau police station limits of the district.
In his complaint, the father of the girl said that on Tuesday November 7, at around 2.30 pm, his 7-year-old daughter was grazing goats on the side of the road in Tikri Khurd village, about 500 meters away from their house. The man said that a boy living in the township who was walking on the road found his daughter alone and molested her.
Also read: UP: Rape case filed after 26 years after son asked mother about his father
When the girl protested, the accused forcibly abducted her and took her inside the ruined forest department building nearby. After abducting her, the accused raped her. When the girl raised an alarm, he threatened to kill her and her entire family, the father of the girl said. He said that due to the threats, his daughter remained silent.
When the parents realized that the daughter had fallen ill and she was not even able to walk properly, they inquired about the reason to which the girl narrated the harrowing ordeal, her father said in the police complaint. A police official said that the man complained to the police station on Thursday after which the police registered a case on Friday.
Sikandrarau police station in-charge Ashish Kumar Singh said that the matter is being investigated adding that legal action will be taken as per law.