Mathura: The mother and brother of a married woman allegedly tried to end their lives by pouring flammable substance on themselves at a police station in Uttar Pradesh's Mathura on Tuesday after knowing the fact that the woman is a lesbian and wants to marry another girl from Gorakhpur. Earlier, the woman left her in-law's house and started living with her parents.
According to police, the woman met a girl from Gorakhpur on Instagram a year and a half ago. She has been in love with the girl ever since and now she wants to marry her. The family members of the woman, however, are constantly opposing her decision. So through her advocate, she had given an application to the police station seeking separation from her family.
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On Tuesday evening, they were called to the police station where the angry family members tried to commit suicide by pouring flammable substances on themselves in the police station itself. Even after this, the woman stood firm on her decision. The police somehow pacified the matter after persuasion. Police said if the matter does not work out after explaining, then legal action will be taken.
Confirming the same, Rural SP Trigun Bisen said, "The woman married about two years ago and not living with him anymore. She has a female friend from Gorakhpur and wants to marry her. She doesn't want to be with her family. An investigation is being conducted in this connection and legal action will be taken according to whatever true facts come to light."