Mirzapur (Uttar Pradesh): In a shocking incident, a man in Uttar Pradesh was bitten by a cobra snake on Monday. The man, identified as one Suraj, then arrived at Mirzapur Divisional Hospital here, a senior official of the hospital administration said.
According to the official, the incident occurred on Monday evening when Suraj was bitten by a snake at his house. "He arrived at the hospital late in the evening on the same day. Upon arrival at the emergency ward, everyone was shocked to see him in a well-dressed suit. Suraj then revealed that he was bitten by a snake and showcased the snake which created panic among the hospital and staff members," the official added.
This created a lot of panic in the hospital and the doctors immediately administered an anti-venom injection after identifying the snake, ensuring Suraj's recovery, they added.
The hospital's SIC in-charge, Dr. Tarun Singh, also confirmed the incident, highlighting the successful identification of the snake and Suraj's improved condition post-treatment.
Suraj, who hails from Patulkhi village, brought the Cobra snake in a sack and demanded immediate injection from the administration of the hospital, causing chaos by displaying the snake on the bed of the emergency ward. The entire incident's video is going viral on social media. Cases of snake bites are common in India.
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