Aligarh: A man allegedly shot dead his daughter after a dispute with his wife over his drinking habit in Abupur area of Aligarh in Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday, police said. Police have registered a case against the accused, who is absconding after the incident. As per a police official, the incident took place on Tuesday night when an enraged Shailendra Kumar, a resident of Abupur area in the jurisdiction of police station Madrak, shot at his daughter Shalini.
Also read: UP: Man shoots himself dead after trying to kill woman; motif unconfirmed
It is said that Shalini tried to intervene after the accused started fighting with his wife. In the melee, the accused opened fire on Shalini with the bullet hitting her chest leaving her dead on the spot. The accused is absconding after the murder while the maternal uncle of the slain has filed a case against him in the police station.
Police have registered a case and launched a manhunt to nab the accused.