Mathura (UP) : A two-member high-level committee set up by the Uttar Pradesh government to probe the August 20 stampede at the famous Bankey Bihari temple here has begun its inquiry, officials said. Two devotees were killed and seven injured in the stampede at the temple during Janmashtami celebrations in the early hours of Saturday.
The state government constituted a two-member committee headed by former Uttar Pradesh Police chief Sulkhan Singh. Divisional Commissioner, Aligarh, Gaurav Dayal is a member of the committee. On Thursday, Singh said it was too early to arrive at any conclusion as the probe had just begun.
Also Read-Two devotees die during stampede at Banke Bihari temple in Mathura
He said written complaints and suggestions were taken from people. Four people were deputed for noting down the complaint and suggestions of those who did not get them in writing. "Over 180 suggestions and complaints were registered on Thursday," they said. Singh had visited areas adjacent to the temple on Tuesday. The probe committee is expected to submit its report to the government within 15 days. PTI